From Commands to Automation: Unveiling Shell Scripting in Linux

From Commands to Automation: Unveiling Shell Scripting in Linux

Mastering Shell Scripting in Linux: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Shell Scripting in Linux. As technology continues to evolve, the ability to automate processes and efficiently interact with operating systems becomes ever more crucial. Shell scripting is a powerful tool that empowers Linux users to streamline tasks and enhance productivity significantly. Whether you are a seasoned system administrator or an aspiring enthusiast, mastering shell scripting can prove invaluable in your journey with Linux.

Shell Scripting: A Gateway to Automation

Shell scripting in Linux serves as the gateway to automation, enabling users to communicate seamlessly with the operating system through a series of powerful commands. Regardless of your preferred Linux distribution, such as CentOS, Fedora, or Ubuntu, the fundamentals of shell scripting remain consistent. By gaining expertise in shell scripting, you can harness the true potential of the command line, transform repetitive tasks into automated workflows, and leverage the full power of your Linux environment.

Essential Commands: Your Toolkit

Let's delve into a selection of essential shell commands that will form the cornerstone of your scripting toolkit:

File and Directory Manipulation:

  1. lsList files and directories in the current location.


  2. pwdDisplay the present working directory.


  3. cdChange the current directory.


     cd /path/to/directory
  4. cd ..Navigate to the parent directory.


     cd ..
  5. ls -ltrList files and directories with detailed information, including ownership, size, and timestamps.


     ls -ltr
  6. touchCreate a new file.


     touch example.txt
  7. viCreate and edit a file using the vi text editor.


     vi newfile.txt
  8. catPrint the content of a file.


     cat example.txt
  9. rmRemove a file.


     rm example.txt
  10. rm -rRemove a directory.


    rm -r directory_name
  11. mkdirCreate a new directory.


    mkdir new_directory

System Information: -g: View memory details, providing information about available RAM.


free -g
  1. nprocDisplay the number of CPUs on the system.


  1. df -hView disk space details, showing the disk size.


df -h
  1. top: Get an overview of system statistics, including memory, CPU, and disk usage.


  1. ps -efDisplay information about all processes in the virtual machine.


ps -ef
  1. ps -ef | grepFilter specific process details using the grep command.


ps -ef | grep "process_name"
  1. awkextract specific information from command output, particularly useful with grep.


ps -ef | grep "process_name" | awk '{print $2, $8}'

Script Execution and Debugging:

19. sh or ./ Execute a shell script file. Example: Let's create a simple shell script called that greets the user:

echo "Hello, welcome to the world of shell scripting!"

Save the script and make it executable using chmod +x Now, execute the script:



Hello, welcome to the world of shell scripting!
  1. chmodSet permissions for files.


     chmod +x
  2. historyView a history of previously used commands.


  3. set -xActivate debug mode for a script, aiding in identifying issues.


     set -x
     echo "This is a debug example"
  4. set -eExit the script when an error occurs.


     set -e
     echo "This line won't be executed if the above command fails"
  5. set -o pipefailEnsure errors are detected correctly when using the pipe | operator in scripts.


     set -e
     set -o pipefail
     command_that_might_fail | grep "something"

Useful Utilities:

25.grep: Locate errors in the system log file.


grep "ERROR:" /var/log/syslog
  1. curlRetrieve essential information from a log file by filtering content using grep.


curl | grep "ERROR:"
  1. wgetDownload files from the web.


  1. sudo su -Switch to a substitute user, typically the root user, using sudo and su.


sudo su -

Here's an example of a simple shell script that calculates the sum of two numbers:


# Prompt the user to enter two numbers
echo "Enter the first number:"
read num1

echo "Enter the second number:"
read num2

# Calculate the sum of the two numbers
sum=$((num1 + num2))

# Display the result
echo "The sum of $num1 and $num2 is: $sum"

Save the above script in a file, let's Then, make it executable using the chmod command:

chmod +x

Now, you can execute the script by running:


When executed, the script will prompt you to enter two numbers. After you input the numbers, it will calculate their sum and display the result on the screen. For example:

Enter the first number:
Enter the second number:
The sum of 5 and 8 is: 13

Feel free to modify and experiment with this script to get more familiar with shell scripting concepts and enhance your automation skills.

Here's a more complex shell script that takes a list of filenames as input, checks if each file exists, and then counts the number of lines in each file. Finally, it generates a summary report with the filenames and their respective line counts.


# Function to check if a file exists and count its lines
check_file_and_count_lines() {
    if [ -f "$1" ]; then
        line_count=$(wc -l < "$1")
        echo "$1: $line_count lines"
        echo "$1: File not found"

# Prompt the user to enter a list of filenames separated by spaces
echo "Enter a list of filenames separated by spaces:"
read filenames

# Split the input string into an array of filenames
IFS=' ' read -r -a files_array <<< "$filenames"

# Loop through each filename and check its existence and line count
echo "Summary Report:"
for file in "${files_array[@]}"; do
    check_file_and_count_lines "$file"

Save the above script in a file, for Then, make it executable using the chmod command:

chmod +x

Now, you can execute the script by running:


When executed, the script will prompt you to enter a list of filenames separated by spaces. After you provide the filenames, it will check if each file exists and display the number of lines in each file. For example:

Enter a list of filenames separated by spaces:
file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
Summary Report:
file1.txt: 120 lines
file2.txt: File not found
file3.txt: 50 lines

This complex shell script showcases how you can use loops, arrays, and functions to handle multiple files and perform various tasks. Feel free to modify and extend this script to suit your specific requirements and explore more advanced shell scripting concepts.


As we conclude this comprehensive guide on Shell Scripting in Linux, we hope you recognize the incredible potential it offers to streamline tasks and enhance your Linux experience. By mastering shell scripting, you can transform yourself into a proficient Linux user capable of automating mundane processes and handling complex system operations.

Take the time to practice and experiment with these commands in a safe environment. Embrace the power of the command line and let your creativity lead the way. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Exercise caution and verify commands before execution, especially when working with critical system files.

By constantly honing your skills and exploring new possibilities, you will unlock endless opportunities to optimize your Linux workflow and become an invaluable asset in your professional or personal endeavors.

Here's to your continued success in your Linux journey.

With determination and knowledge, the world of shell scripting is yours to conquer